New Walk-in clinic available! No Appointment necessary!

Elevated Skin Care

For The Whole Family

Do you worry about the skin health of your family? Do you wonder if you are caring for your skin in the best way? What about skin cancer?

Are these bumps or rashes or warts contagious? Will this itching ever stop? Most people struggle with those same questions. You are not alone and we’re here to help.

Skin Care Services We Provide​

Life is Too Short To Worry About Your Skin

Skin cancer is scary.
Acne can be embarrassing.
Rashes can make you feel self-conscious.

You don’t have to wait to be seen. Derm Quickcare is a new walk-in option at Mountain West Dermatology. To learn more, click below or call today!

A Visit With Us Can Help You:

Let Us Help You Feel Comfortable in Your Own Skin​

We have been helping people with skin problems since 2004 and we know exactly how to help you achieve healthy skin.

Clear Skin gives you confidence and Peace of mind​

We have been helping people with skin problems since 2004 and we know exactly how to help you achieve healthy skin.

How it Works

Talk to us

Call our office and schedule with one of our providers. They will help you move to the next step.

Gather information

They will ask you questions about your problem or concerns and they will help you identify the best solution.

Get Examined

We will help you create a personalized treatment plan based on your specific needs and preferences.

Most Recommended Dermatology Services

Don’t take our word for it. Our services have been reviewed & rated as the top dermatology office in Idaho Falls

Mark Hinkson, D.O.​

Board Certified Dermatologist

Dr Hinkson and his staff were amazing to work with. Dr Hinkson is very professional and did a great job communicating in terms that were easy to understand. He took the time to listen, and addressed our concerns in a manner that showed he cares. Kudos to Mountain West Dermatology!
- Ryan Reilly

Rob Willis, PA-C

Dermatology Physician Assistant

I went in for a skin care issue. I had the pleasure of working with Rob Willis PA. Let me tell you he was nice as can be! He really listened to my problems. He explained to me every little detail starting from why it was happening, to every treatment for it. The staff was super nice and friendly as well! If you are looking to go to a place that will take care of you, and make you feel better about everything! This is definitely the place to go.
- Kody Hogan

Wendy Christiansen​

Licensed Master Esthetician

The staff at Mountain West Dermatology is extremely helpful and great to work with. I have been having acne treatments with the aesthetician, Wendy, and have seen major improvements in my skin in the last two months. Getting acne treatments can be a scary task, but Wendy helps put me at ease and is always very kind and comforting. I would definitely recommend Wendy and her services, and I wish I would’ve started treatments sooner!
- Hannah Nelson

We don’t just care about your skin. We care about YOU

We have helped thousands of patients achieve their goals for clear skin, peace of mind, and increased confidence. We are the most reviewed and top rated dermatology office in southeastern Idaho.

Remove the Worry about Your Skin and Live Life With Confidence

Ready to get started?

With the number of skin cancers on the rise and more people dying from melanoma every day, it is only natural to feel concern for yourself and your loved ones. Visit a professional at Mountain West Dermatology today and give yourself the education and peace of mind you are looking for.

Click the button below to book an appointment with us.
We are more than happy to serve you!